Caramba... Galileu da Galiléia

Disseram que ele não vinha
Olha ele ai
Ai ai caramba ai ai caramba
E como já dizia Galileu na Galileia
Malandro que é malandro não bobeia
Se o malandro soubesse como é ser honesto
Seria honesto só por malandragem
Caramba ai ai caramba
Diziam também que a terra era quadrada
Más ficou provado que a terra é redonda
Caramba ai ai caramba
Quem ama quer casa
Quem quer casa quer criança
Quem quer criança quer jardim
Quem quer jardim quer flor
E como já dizia Galileu
Isso é que é amor

They said he wasn't coming
But here he is
ai ai caramba
And like the man from Galilee said in Galilee
A hustler that's a hustler doesn't mess up
If a hustler knew how to be honest
He'd be honest jut for hustling's sake

They also said the earth was square
But it's been proven the earth is round
Whoever is in love wants a house
Whoever wants a house wants children
Whoever wants children wants a garden
Whoever wants a garden wants a flower
And like the man from Galilee used to say
That's what you call love

© 1972 Polygram Do Brazil Ltda.
They said he wasn't coming
But here he is
ai ai caramba
And like the man from Galillee said in Galillee
A hustler that's a hustler doesn't mess up
If a hustler knew how to be honest
He'd be honest just for hustling's sake
They also said the earth was square
But it's been proven the earth is round
Whoever is in love wants a house
Whoever wants a house wants children
Whoever wants children wants a flower
Whoever wants a garden wants a flower
And like the man from Galillee used to say
That's what you call love